Hi there followers! I know I've been extremely MIA for the past few weeks and I promise to get back to blogging ASAP! Chris, Easton and I are on leave seeing Chris' family in Iowa until next Thursday, so expect a MAJOR catch-up on Friday! Love you all!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Bamboopink Launch!!!
Bamboopink Launch
The national launch is of Bamboopink is tomorrow!

Here’s another sneak peek of the loveliness in store.
I have a sneaking suspicion they just might extend the free signup period so if you’re on the fence, you might want to go ahead and pull the trigger. You can find out more at
My Bamboopink Blog, or sign up here and join my team: www.bamboopink.net/stevienicolestansbery.
My Bamboopink Blog, or sign up here and join my team: www.bamboopink.net/stevienicolestansbery.
This is going to be something BIG!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday Confessions
- I have completely relied on Munchkin's travel swing since we've been away from home since February. He's sleeping in it right now...you get what you can get, right?
- I haven't had my teeth cleaned in almost 2 years...I can see cavities...that bad.
- At some point every day I feel depressed and I'm starting to wonder whether or not I need to see a doctor about it. The two things that are guaranteed to put a smile on my face are my husband and my son.
- Multiple people don't believe that I can make a living/career as a Wedding Planner...all that does is fuel my desire to it even more. Although, I would really appreciate the support.
- My husband and I got married at a courthouse last May and were planning on having an actual wedding this summer, but because of some family issues (my side, not his) we cancelled it...this breaks my heart because I want a wedding more than anything right now, but it's looking like that won't be happening.
- I would much rather text or email than talk on the phone. I despise talking on the phone more than anything on the planet.
- I've been away from my house for 5 weeks now and even though I'm beyond excited to go to Iowa to visit, I'm really ready to by back home.
- Sometimes I think I'm psychic via dreams...no, I'm not crazy. :-)
- The other day I got an INTENSE desire to clean...BAD.
- Lately I've had a major obsession with recipes...feel free to leave me some of your favorites.
- If my husband and I are apart, I can't sleep at night...during the day, yes. At night, not at all.
- I REALLY REALLY want to be pregnant again.
Random post...insomia sucks. Blah.
Travel Swing,
Wedding Planner
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Weigh-In Wednesdays - Week 2
Week 2
Starting Weight: 144 pounds
Current Weight: 138 pounds!!! I lost 6 pounds!!! HOLY CRAPPERS!!!
Goal Weight: 115 pounds
Exercise: I haven't had a chance to actually exercise, but I haven't been just laying around the house anymore. I've actually been productive throug cleaning, running errands, etc.
Any problems this week: I've had a couple of "bad" days, but nothing too bad.
Diet: I've been counting calories. I downloaded a free app for my Blackberry called Calorie Counter by Fat Secret. I input all of my information, how much I weigh, how much I want to lose and it gave me the number of calories I need to intake every day to hit my weight-loss goal!!! :-)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
30 Pictures
I've noticed a lot of bloggers doing this, so I decided to join in!
1. Someone you spend a lot of time with...
Easton Michael
2. A picture of you...
3. A random picture of you and your significant other...
Chris & I on my 21st birthday. We had our first kiss that morning! :-) 2-16-09
4. A picture of something that makes you happy...
Being pregnant and having long hair! :o)
5. An old picture of you...
This was in the Summer of '06, right after I graduated high school. This was the day I gave my (one and only) crown away at the Miss Gravette pageant.
6. A picture of your sibling...(there's 3)
My little sister, Taylor
7. A picture you have never posted on your blog before...
Me, Mom, and Taylor. May 2010 before Tay's graduation.
8. A picture of a person you miss...
My best friend Mindy, her husband Alex, her twins girls Rilee and Reece and the bun in the oven, Atlee.
9. A picture of people who knew you now and then...
4 of my very best friends, Michael, Mindy, Levi and Ryan.
10. A picture of your favorite place...
This is where Chris is from and I. Love. It. There!!!
11. A person you can tell anything to...
My little sister, Taylor.
12. A picture of your everyday life...
Hanging out with my little munchkin.
13. A picture from a place you love...
Chris & I in Naples, FL. Thanksgiving 2009.
14. A picture that reminds you of great times...
Hanging out with Brittany and Bama...our weekend ritual.
15. A class photo...
This is closest thing I could find to a class picture. Senior Prom 2006.
(I'm the blonde in the middle in between the bright orange dress and bright green dress).
16. A picture of the best day of your life...
Holding Easton for the first time.
17. A picture that always makes you laugh...
This was right after I got my IV of Stadol and Finnergrin (spelling?)...can you tell?
18. A picture of your spare time...
Any spare time I get, we spend together! LOVE HER!
19. A picture from a great night...
Chris had a softball tournament all day, then afterwards we went to a friends party. (Yes, my hair is black).
20. A picture of people who are closet to you...(besides my husband)
Brittany & BJ
21. A picture of someone you always have a good time with...
22. A picture of you parents when they were your age...
The one is the middle is my Mom...I think this was her freshman year in college. It was the closet I could find.
23. A picture from last summer...
August 2010...20 weeks pregnant
24. A picture of your closet friend of the opposite sex (that's not your significant other)...
Jeris...we've been through a LOT together.
25. A picture on your favorite vacation...
Naples, FL. Thanksgiving 2009
26. A picture of an accomplishment...
Making Thanksgiving dinner all by myself!
27. A picture of your closet friends...
Me (with long black hair) and Brittany in Charlotte.
28. A random picture from photobooth...
29. A picture that makes you smile...
30. A picture of someone you will never let go of...
Tasty Tuesdays - Mom's Chili
This is seriously the easiest and yummiest (real word?) chili in the ENTIRE world! You can either do it in a big pot on the stove or in a crock pot. Enjoy!
Mom's Chili
1 lb. ground beef
1 can dark red kidney beans
1 can black beans
1 can chili beans
1 pkg. taco seasoning
1 pkg. Hidden Valley dry ranch mix
1 can Rotel (optional...I don't use it cause the hubster HATES chunks of tomatoes)
1. In large pot or crock pot put the 3 cans of beans, taco seasoning, Rotel, and dry ranch mix.
2. Stir well.
3. Brown meat.
4. Add meat to bean mixture.
5. Let chili simmer for 1-2 hours, but remember, the longer it sits, the more flavor it has. I usually let mine sit in a crock pot on low all day.
6. Serve your favorite way. My favorite way is as a Frito Chili Pie with cheese and mustard! YUMMY!
*The chili is even better the next day warmed up!
**Sorry I don't have any pictures.
30-Day Blog Challenge - Day 30
The day has come...
Day 30 - A Dream for the Future
I have so many dreams and aspirations for the future for my family and I, but one would have to be to continue to grow as a mother and wife. Those roles are the two most important roles I've ever had and I ever will have. I would give up anything and everything in this world, as long as I could continue to be a wife to Chris and a Mommy to Easton. I thank God everyday for bringing Chris into my life and for giving me such an amazing blessing in Easton.
Chris, I love you for always and forever baby.
Easton, my little munchkin, I will love you until the end of time.
Monday, March 7, 2011
I got an email earlier this evening from Carolyn over at My Backyard Eden telling me about this start-up business. After reading about the company, listening to what Carolyn had to say, I figured I would go ahead and sign up for it...hey, it's FREE and it's a wonderful chance to make some money!
I've always heard stories about the "Mary Kay Millionaires" that were some of the first consultants who signed up to Mary Kay. This new company is called bamboopink. Here's a little about the company...

bamboopink is a new fashionable, yet affordable ($29 - $200) jewelry line made and designed by JudeFrances , a famous, high-end designer whose current line is sold in upscale department stores like Neiman Marcus, and is worn by Oprah and many other celebrities. The line consists of traditional jewelry pieces (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc) as well as iPhone/iPad covers, sunglasses and the like. JudeFrances is planning a national press release announcing the launch of bamboo pink in the very near future.
Analysts are already speculating that bamboo pink will be the fastest growing women’s internet start-up company in history. The company has a cutting-edge business model, and the jewelry will be sold through consultants on personal websites and through “virtual” jewelry parties. You don't have to host parties (unless you want to), and you don't have to buy inventory to keep in stock at your house. It's ALL internet based through virtual trunk shows.
The company has begun a grassroots marketing campaign to virally spread the news of their upcoming launch via the internet. As of right now, it is not about selling the jewelry but about getting as many people signed up and ready to sell when the time comes. When you get people to sign up, you can earn free jewelry, cash and other prizes.
When you sign up you get a free personal website (mine is www.bamboopink.net/stevienicolestansbery) that the company uses to track people that sign up through you. If you decide to not sell, no problem. They will simply drop your name from their list and you get to keep any of the free items you earned by getting your friends to join.
You have until March 15th to sign up and sign up as many friends and family members as possible with no consultant fees. After that, the company will go into its Pre-Launch Marketing phase, followed with a major national marketing campaign making the opportunity available to everyone.
If you choose to sign up, I can e-mail you more details, including sample letters that you can send to your contacts so you can start building your own team.
A Few Things...
So I wanted to share a few things with you...
I had to run to Target today to get my little Munchkin some more formula and rice cereal. While browsing though the store I noticed that they had a HUGE clearance section set up, so I decided to check it out. They had THREE giant shelves of jeans for 75% off! I figured my size wouldn't be there, but it was! I got 2 pairs of jeans! They were on sale for $4.98! Are you kidding me?! I seriously found jean for $4.98 a pair?! YIPPEE! I've been having a new found relationship with my yoga pants since I had Easton because I can't fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans yet and I don't want to refuse to wear my maternity jeans.
I also found some secure fit headband (pkg of 4) that were on sale. They were originally $5.49 and I was able to get them for $2.74!!! Yay for Target clearance!!!
I laid Easton down in his Pack 'N Play earlier and he was laying like this...
To sleeping like this...
We've got a wiggle worm on our hands people!
Easton's Excursions - Week 8
Week 8
This week you...
- ...started eating rice cereal in your formula. Now you won't take it any other way.
- ...officially "slept through the night" for the first time! (You actually did it twice!)
- ...can actually wear your 0-3 month clothes without them completely swallowing you.
- ...made it through an entire Target trip without a dirty diaper, being hungry, or crying at all.
Mommy loves you Munchkin!
30-Day Blog Challenge - Days 26-29
Let's catch up, shall we?! :o)
Day 26 - You Week in Great Detail
Since it's Monday, I'll just give you my week last week.
Sunday: Chris and I went to the Lakers/Thunder game in Oklahoma City for Valentine's Day while my mom and step-dad watched Easton.
Monday: Drove to Wichita Falls at about 3:30am so we could get Chris to class on time. He spent the day in class and Easton and I spent the day sleeping. After Chris got back from class it was nap time for him and blogging time for me. We watched The Bachelor and Pretty Little Liars and went to bed.
Tuesday: Chris spent the day in class. I spent the day blogging. TV that night...American Idol and Teen Mom 2...I missed Biggest Loser (BOO!)
Wednesday: Different day, same story...class and blogging. TV...American Idol, Modern Family, and Mr. Sunshine (wasn't impressed with that one).
Thursday: We decided to change it up that day. I took Chris back to class after lunch and Easton and I ran errands to Shoe Carnival and Target. TV...American Idol (Grey's was a re-run...BOO).
Friday: After Chris got out of class we drove to my Mom's house. My sister and her boyfriend got there shortly after we did. We watched Due Date (pretty stinking funny).
Saturday: We spent the day in Duncan with my family. I actually spent most of my day on the phone with Verizon. They decided to charge us $950 for 2 month of service...I don't think so. Needless to say, I got it back down to where it should have been.
Saturday: We spent the day in Duncan with my family. I actually spent most of my day on the phone with Verizon. They decided to charge us $950 for 2 month of service...I don't think so. Needless to say, I got it back down to where it should have been.
**Pretty boring week...sorry guys!
Day 27: My Worst Habit
Eeek...this would probably have to be procrastinating. I'm pretty bad horrible about procrastinating on things, especially when it comes to cleaning. It's to the point when I make my weekly to-do list, I always give myself twice the time because I know I'm more than likely going to need it.
Day 28: What's In My Purse
A few weeks ago I did a "What's in My (Diaper) Bag" post, so now I get the chance to do my purse! YAY!
The Bag: Flaunt by Faith Nicole
The Inside
The Junk:
1. Keys
2: Germ-X To-Go wipes
3. Bath and Body Works Germ-X Warm Vanilla Bean
4. Germ-X Advanced Foam
5. Coupon Holder
6. Pampers Sensitive Wipes
7. "The Bag" I keep this in my purse so I can leave my big diaper bag in the car when we're running errands. I keep diapers, a binky and a rattle in it.
8. Wallet (Thirty-One)
9. Mine and Chris' tickets from the basketball game last Sunday
10. Boogie Wipes
11. Planner
12. My Sassy notebook that I keep with me at all times for my blog.
13. Trident Layers gum
14. Lipstick...a lighter shade and a darker shade
15. Sunglasses
16. My prenatal and iron prescriptions.
17. Favorite pen
18. Blackberry
**My camera is also always in there, but I was using it...obviously.
Day 29: Hopes, Dreans, and Plans for the Next 365 Days
I have a lot planned for the next year...
- Become more organized (if that's even possible).
- Work on NOT procrastinating anymore.
- Find a way (financially) to continue to be a SAHM
- Start and finish my wedding planner certification and start to build my client base.
- That's going to have to be all for now...Easton's not a happy boy. :-(
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